NBC/WSJ poll
Whites with college degrees
58 – Biden
35 – Trump
Whites without college degrees
27 – Biden
59 – Trump
This closely approximates my projected vote shares, which forecasts Trump winning by an electoral college landslide. Trump will win the biggest margin amongst white working class since Harry Truman in 1948. (Not coincidentally, the worst ever polling in any campaign was 1948).
– Election analyst Robert Barnes
Contrary to the ignorant assumptions of the educated indoctrinated, who assume that because everyone they know has a college degree, everyone does, only 21 percent of non-Hispanic Whites possess at least a bachelor’s degree.
In other words, the white vote presently looks like this, which is why the media is presenting it in such a convoluted and meaningless form. Of course, most of the missing 10 percent will go to Trump as well, so he can expect to take about two-thirds of the white vote, which is still more than enough to generate a massive Trumpslide given the concentration of the not-white vote.
54 – Trump
36 – Biden
This is why I’ve been recommending that the Republicans change their name to the American Party and end all their futile outreach efforts to not-white voters for over ten years. US politics are now little more than demographics.