Notable Resignations Worldwide tracked on a daily basis:
On Dec. 22, 2017 #QAnon asked us to “Track CEO Resignations” (see Q-Post #413).
Since Dec. 26th, 2017 Resignations, Retirements, Firings and Deathcases are tracked!
Total numbers are not that important – but individual cases are! Not everyone on the list is a bad person! RESEARCH!
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The pace does appear to be increasing. And in not-entirely-unrelated news, Tucker Carlson pointed out how Heritage Foundation and other conservative organizations are observably more dedicated to defending Big SJW Tech than the interests of the American people:
Why all the inaction on these questions? Well, a big part of the problem is that conservative nonprofits here in Washington, the ones that are supposed to be looking out for you, aren’t actually looking out for you. They’re looking out for big tech. A new report from The Campaign For Accountability obtained by this show highlights how conservative organizations in D.C. have colluded with big tech to shield left-wing monopolies from any oversight at all. It’s an amazing story and it’s happening now….
A recent paper by Heritage entitled “Free enterprise is the best remedy for online bias concerns,” defends the special privileges that Congress has given to left-wing Silicon Valley monopolies. And if conservatives don’t like it, Heritage says, well they can just start their own Google. The paper could’ve been written by tech lobbyists. In fact, it may have been written by tech lobbyists. A trade association that represents Silicon Valley called the liability exemption that Googles enjoys, “the most important law in tech.”
Well, Heritage’s paper repeats that line verbatim. Word for word. Along with many other lines that the lobbyists wrote.