An email from a member of the Ilk who not only grasps the key concepts, but is putting them into practice in her HR department:
We [are a sizable] company. I consider myself part of the “Ilk” and have been following your discussion of SJW’s for several years, including reading SJW’s Always Lie. As a result, we have become more proactive during the interview process for new employees, trying to discover if they harbor or are amenable to SJW ideas.
I thought an example of a recent interview would be of value to others in business as a model for modifying their hiring process.
Like many applicants, today’s had recently left a job. We have always asked, “Why did you leave your last job?”, listened to the various responses, like: “the company downsized”, “change in management”, etc. However, other common responses now require further questioning. Responses such as, “I didn’t get along with my boss”, “I had an issue with a company policy”, or other answers that indicate some level of dissatisfaction with the previous employer require more in depth questioning.
When asked why they left the last company, one applicant said, “I just didn’t like some parts of the environment and am looking for a better place to work.” Years ago, that innocent-sounding response would not have drawn any attention. Not any more.
The manager immediately picked up on the “problem with previous employer” tone underlying the answer. So, further questioning was required.
Manager: “Really. What was part of the environment you didn’t like?”
Applicant: “Some of the employee interaction just wasn’t for me. It wasn’t professional enough.”
Manager: “That makes sense. I wouldn’t like that either. What was an example of unprofessional behavior?”
Applicant: “It was really just the way one of the manager’s treated some of the people.”
Manager: “Oh. That can be frustrating. What did the manager do?”
Applicant: “He treated some of the people in the call center unprofessionally.”
Manager: “Ok, but what do you mean by treating them unprofessionally?”
Applicant: “Well, he acted inappropriately around them.”
Manager: “When you say “inappropriately”, what do you mean?”
Applicant: “Well, we all thought it was harassment.”
Manager: “What kind of harassment, like yelling at people?”
Applicant: “No. Some of it was sexual harassment.”
Manager: “Oh no. That’s not good at all. So, you just left and didn’t do anything about that kind of harassment?”
Applicant: “No. I spoke to lots of the other phone reps and we all agreed it was harassment.”
Manager: “So, after you spoke to the other reps, did you file a complaint?”
Applicant: “We tried.”
Manager: “So, when that didn’t work, did you file a lawsuit or do anything?”
Applicant: “That’s what we ended up having to do. It was just that bad.”
Everything past this point was just the formalities of ending the interview without making the applicant feel like they were just arbitrarily eliminated from consideration.
The point I’m trying to share is the amount of effort, time and question asking skills it took to finally dig down to the real issue. Most small and medium businesses are not used to “digging” during their interviews. I know, having been guilty myself and many other business owners I know admit they do not “dig”. If the person looks good, i.e. like they can do the job, they get hired. That mindset used to work, but in today’s PC environment is too dangerous to the business’ survival, so it must be changed.
When a person finally admits to being the instigator of some type of action against the company and involving other employees in their “dissatisfaction”, then that seems to be a good example of an SJW.
I can hear the “moderates” saying something like, “But maybe they were sexually harassed. It’s not fair to disqualify them when they were the victim of harassment. They weren’t the problem.” Conceptually, I agree. However, the distinction seems to be the involvement of others or engaging in activities to “punish” the perceived offender; these are SJW characteristics. A conservative person would simply have left the job if the environment was that uncomfortable.
So, hopefully this is of some value to others as they learn to keep SJW’s out, but I also hope you’ll comment on how you see the interview process being better utilized to screen SJW’s. Also, how do you respond to the “moderate” mindset described above when it comes to hiring people?
I think questions such as “have you ever lodged a complaint against your superior” or “have you ever been party to a lawsuit against your employer” (prohibited by Federal law) should probably be added to the standard interview repertoire. A better approach would involve asking “have you ever been the victim of harassment”, as the average SJW is going to assume you are on her side and be eager to tell you all about how everyone from her kindergarten teacher to her previous boss treated her shabbily.
After which you smile, thank her for her time, and circular file the application. Unless, of course, you’re looking to be hit by complaints of one sort or another within weeks of her first day. SJWs Always Lie.