Creepy Joe is over

The mainstream media has abandoned Joe Biden:

Joe Biden risks a humiliating third or fourth-place finish in Iowa early next year, according to nearly a dozen senior Democrats in the state who attribute it to what they see as a poorly organized operation that has failed to engage with voters and party leaders.

With fewer than 100 days until the Feb. 3 caucuses, Biden is failing to spend the time with small groups of voters and party officials that Iowans expect and his campaign’s outreach has been largely ineffective, according to 11 senior Democrats in the state. They worry that could send Biden to a crippling loss behind Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, who have highly organized campaigns in Iowa, said the Democrats, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the campaign.

They know the God-Emperor would destroy him, so they want him out of the race as soon as possible. Warren is the media’s candidate; they’ll disqualify Buttigieg as soon as he actually looks viable because there is no way they want him as the actual nominee.

For Democrats, the gay candidate has become the equivalent of the black candidate for Republicans. Everyone feels good about supporting him in the early going, and everyone knows perfectly well that he will never be the nominee.