If at first you don’t succeed…

Try, try again. The Democrats double down after their first “whistleblower” turned out to have no actual knowledge of the events he was describing:

The attorney representing the whistleblower who flagged President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine says a second whistleblower has now come forward.

Mark Zaid told ABC News on Sunday that he is now representing a second whistleblower who has first hand knowledge of events.

Zaid, a Washington lawyer, is already representing the whistleblower at the center of the impeachment inquiry into Trump.

The first whistleblower, who said Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden, is a CIA officer and at one point was assigned to work at the White House, sources said.

The second person who has come forward is also reportedly an intelligence official.

Of course, they said the first guy had first-hand knowledge of events too. Until he was asked to provide it. Interestingly enough, this is the same lawyer who is handling the lawsuit for the Marvel artist accused of tortious interference between Antarctic Press and Comics Matter.

An interesting and unexpected nexus. I wonder why they’re so desperate to stop the Trump administration from looking into Ukraine? I don’t suppose the massive donations to the Clinton Foundation have anything to do with it, do they?