Incest in the Congress

Minnesota’s freshman congresswoman is not only a liar and a bigamist, she’s also incestuous:

The scandal has pushed the incredible panoply of scandals we have covered in depth on Power Line into the background: the identity fraud, the marriage fraud, the immigration fraud, the tax fraud.

In the past three weeks I have circled back to interview sources whom I have found to be highly reliable in the Omar saga. They open a window onto the scandals from the perspective of Ahmed Hirsi, her long-time partner and the father of her three children. According to sources, Hirsi is telling friends:

• that he will not go to jail for Omar;

• that while Omar did indeed marry her brother (Ahmed Elmi) for fraudulent purposes, Hirsi did not know at the time that she had married Elmi;

• that Omar is threatening Hirsi he would be in trouble along with her if the truth were to come out;

• that Omar has asked him to state publicly that all is well with their marriage even though it is completely done and finished; and

• that in fact they are living apart and have been divorced under Islamic law (although they remain legally married).

This is the inevitable price of Scandicucking. I guarantee that the good people of the Minnesota DFL party are wondering how on Earth they found themselves in this extraordinarily embarrassing position. And it all traces back to their desperate need to be extra nice to the poor little dark people in order to prove how totally not-racist they are.

The only real question about the first cannibal to be elected to Congress is if he’ll be representing Utah or Minnesota.