Epstein – NXIVM – Mega

The Epstein connections range from the Clinton Foundation and the Deep State to the sex cults of NXIVM and FLDS to Hollywood to the world of international high finance, according to Neon Revolt:

“The megabucks call themselves ‘Mega group.’ This name appeared in the media a couple of years ago, as a name for the secret Israeli mole in the upper reaches of the U.S. establishment. It came up in an overheard phone conversation, later denied by the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. The newshounds and spook watchers got it wrong. ‘Mega’ was not an agent, Mega was the boss.”

With some bitterness, Shamir wrote, “Megabucks influence us, even more than they influence the U.S. Our politicians are as weak and corrupt as America’s and they are easier to swing. Even relative small-timers can cause eruption and bloodshed, like the California bingo-parlor owner [Irving] Moskowitz, who pushed our ex-prime minister Netanyahu to open the tunnel under the Haram al Sharif…. The Megabucks can buy Israel with their spare change. If they wish, we would have peace in Palestine today. But they are not interested in Israel per se…. Megabucks care for themselves, and they need Israel in order to keep the American Jews together, supporting them. That is why they do not mind bloodshed in Palestine, and even a bloody regional war does not scare them.”

Shamir concluded: “In my opinion, Megabucks, rather than forces of Caballa, move the events in the Middle East. It is not magic, just money—but a lot of money. They do not rule America or Israel, but they exercise a lot of influence. Fifty multibillionaires united in one framework present a very real force in the world.”

Steinberg concludes:

Of course, Shamir does not have the picture precisely right. The Bronfman-centered Mega Group is but one component of an insane and desperate element within the transatlantic financial establishment that is now pressing for a “Clash of Civilizations,” as a means of responding to the collapse of their global financial empire, and the threat of a new set of Eurasia-centered cooperative arrangements among nations supplanting their power. But, as far as the Mega puzzle is concerned, Shamir has solved the mystery.

No wonder Mossad boss Yatom scolded his Washington-based underling with the warning, “This is not something we use Mega for.”

And what are the odds that a group of Jewish billionaires with ties to Israeli intelligence would now all be caught up in sex abuse scandals?

We’re familiar with the scandals surrounding Wexner (and his protege, Epstein), Spielberg, and the Bronfmans (Edgar was involved alongside Charles, and it’s Edgar’s daughters who got involved with NXIVM), but what about Steinhardt?

Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Steinhardt just happens to be embroiled in a sex scandal of his own right now!

What a remarkable coincidence! All FOUR of these founding families have sexual scandal surrounding them, and they all seem attached to the Israeli deep state, in some way or another!

And remember all those unsealed indictments? R. Kelly’s was one of them….