Neon Revolt is breaking important news out of Italy regarding the connection between Italian intelligence and the illegal Deep State campaign against the Trump campaign:
Members of Italian intelligence were approached by Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, and the Deep State in order to frame trump by PLANTING EVIDENCE on American servers to force Trump to step down from office.
In other words, members of Italian intelligence found a target in Occhionero, a Republican-sympathizer who had two servers for his company, Westland Securities, located in America. One was in Washington State, and the other in West Virginia.
The plan was for Italian Intelligence to hack into these servers, plant classified emails from Hillary’s servers inside these servers on American soil, and then alert the FBI.
The FBI would then raid these locations, “discover” these e-mails, investigate, link these servers to Trump…
And then force Trump to resign.
Do you understand the implications of what I’m saying here? This is like a policeman planting evidence to fabricate a crime. And if the Italian Intelligence actually has ACTUAL classified e-mails from Hillary Clinton, that’s another crime in-and-of itself.
Now that a number of those high-ranking Italian intelligence officials have been forced to step down by the new nationalist Italian government, the story is beginning to leak out through the Italian press courtesy of their intended patsy.
Cappotto and Pereno went to US in May 2017 to cooperate with FBI; precisely in the days Comey was fired. One of my servers was in Seattle WA where they got on May 9, and opened it first; exactly the day of Comey’s firing. Then they went to the other one in West Virginia on May 12. I am pretty sure what McCabe defines the “10 Days in May” refers exactly to these events. Polizia Postale had created a big expectation at the FBI that they would find something against Trump. When they opened the servers and got nothing, Rosenstein decided to pull McCabe out of the investigation but, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the CHS, he nominated Mueller. So, it is very likely that the CHS the media says being in Comey’s notes, “is” De Gennaro; and McCabe must obviously be aware of “who” he is. The whole flop turned then game from McCabe to Mueller; still De Gennaro’s buddy, however.
This is serious, hard-core treason on the part of high-ranking US officials being revealed here. And it’s all coming out, most likely sooner rather than later.