Malach prefers “angelically-challenged”. After all, it’s not his fault that he was kicked out of Heaven.
And if you’ll just listen, he can explain everything.
GOD HATES ME: The Diary of an Ex-Angel is a smart, funny, and surprisingly moving tale of a demon who means well and would really like to figure out how to get back to Heaven one day. But how do you make a case for yourself when no one seems to care enough to listen?
The one thing you can’t say about Castalia House is that we’re too predictable. Richard Cain’s new book is… just a little different than you’d probably be expecting. It’s human history told through the perspective of a narcissist who never believes he is to blame for anything.
From the reviews:
- It’s a zippy tale, told in a lively style that gets the reader leaning into the narrative. It’s a quirky faux memoir like something we might read if C.S. Lewis’s Wormwood had corresponded with Salinger’s Holden Caulfield. A few sections made me honestly laugh aloud, something I never expected to happen when cracking a book about a fallen angel. It’s as if Frank Peretti actually had a sense of humor…as if Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins actually knew how to jettison the proselytizing, cut the brake lines, and just let the story run.
- Despite what the cover looks like, this isn’t a supernatural romance novel. No, it’s something much better. This is a story of a fallen angel seeking redemption. Unfortunately for him, every good deed he tries to accomplish ends up going awry.
- In the manner of The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis, this book takes the reader inside the head of a fallen angel/demon. The perspective can be a bit troubling, as some of the more pointed passages about casual sins may hit too close to home for the reader. The author demonstrates considerable knowledge of the intricacies of the spiritual world as well as the foibles of the human psyche, upon which the demons prey.
- Overall an entertaining and quick read.