Mailvox: 8 questions for the Alt-Right

Sargon of Akkad, a youtuber, recently made a video asking eight questions of the Alt-Right, and this caused me to wonder what you would consider the correct answers to be.

1: Are Jews Oppressing White people?

No. This is an exaggeration. Some elite Jews are suppressing non-Jews, for example, a very small number of Jews in elite university admissions offices are suppressing Asians and whites in the U.S. university system while aiding blacks, Hispanics, and other foreigners.

2. Should Interracial Couples be forced to separate?

No. People deserve to experience the consequences of their decisions and actions.

3. Should the government prevent citizens from leaving the country to preserve the race?

No. But it should not feel any responsibility to protect them, provide for them, or help them return when their hosts turn on them either.

4. Should the state control education?

No. It has done an abysmal job by every measure.

5. Should the state control the media?


6. Should the State control the economy?

No. But it should control which parties are permitted, and are not permitted, to participate in the national economy. And it should always act to ensure that the nation benefits at the expense of foreign parties when those parties wish to participate.

7. Do the decisions of individual white people matter to the alt right’s goals?

No. Not even a little bit.

8. Should women have a role in public life? (or should they be home makers?)

The question is a false dichotomy. Being a homemaker is the most important role a woman can have in public life. They should be rewarded, encouraged and celebrated for doing so.

Of course, all these questions are loaded and amount to little more than a feeble attempt to discredit and disqualify the Alt Right. More importantly, they are irrelevant. The tactics and the strategies are not the objective; how you get there does not matter if the most important thing is to get there. We presently live in a lotus-eating society of freeloaders, which is why our society is going to collapse. And it should come as no surprise that the lotus-eating freeloaders are indignant at the observation that they are going to have to stop eating lotuses and freeloading if they wish to continue eating at all.