Starting? We’re not “starting” to hate them. And the rules of the game are what they are. Kurt Schlichter very somberly warns the Left that if they don’t stop doing what they’re doing, he’s going to have to warn them even more somberly again.
Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?
We’re going to start hating you right back.
Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.
We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules. The left did. It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.
So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.
You can always tell a conservative who still hasn’t quite fully embraced the new reality. He just can’t resist the urge to issue dire warnings to the Left, desperately trying to convince them of the error of their ways or else. He still has to proclaim his preference for the older, more genteel, more civilized way. It’s tiresome. It’s tedious. Most of all, it’s pointless in a time of identity politics.
And yet, it shows that he is gradually getting where he has to go. He is starting to hate. The Alt-Right is inevitable; the ultimate success of the Alt-Right will be when the name disappears and the greater part of the 16 Points is simply synonymous with what it means to be Right.
Most of us aren’t “going to start hating” the Left. We started that a long, long time ago. I can’t even honestly say that I hate it anymore, at least, no more than I hate mold. The point is, you either get rid of the mold or you move somewhere else to get away from it. The one thing you do not do, the one thing you cannot do, is try to warn it, fix it, or coexist with it.
Conservatives simply don’t grasp that “please stop” is no more convincing than “please clap”.