That was fast

Six years after women are permitted on British submarines, the top two officers on a sub have been cashiered, along with two female officers:

Five officers on board the submarine have threatened to quit amid the reports Stuart Armstrong, 41, commanding officer of the Vanguard-class submarine HMS Vigilant, was sexually involved with an officer. The incident came to light after a member of the crew alerted senior officials at the vessel’s base in Faslane, near Glasgow, and Armstrong has since been relieved of his duties.

The allegations sparked anger among crew members and when their boat completed its patrol and docked in the US, a source told The Times a handful wanted to hand in their notice.

Armstrong’s second-in-command Lieutenant Commander Michael Seal has also been suspended amid the claims, according to The Sun, who also named Sub-Lieutenant Edwards – Assistant Weapons Engineering Officer on HMS Vigilant – as one of the women involved.

HMS Vigilant is one of four British nuclear-armed Vanguard submarines on active patrol which provide protection to the UK in case of a nuclear war…. It was only six years ago that a ban preventing female officers serving on submarines was lifted.

As I mentioned in my interview with Cerno Media last night, permitting women entry destroys the integrity, the quality, and the status of every male institution. It doesn’t matter if it is academia, the church, the military, gaming guilds, comics, science fiction awards, or the Boy Scouts. In the immortal words of Bill Simmons, “the lesson, as always, is this: ‘women ruin everything.’”

If you don’t guard your borders, you will be overrun. It plays out the same way every single time. The main problem is not with the women, who are simply doing what women do and seeking out the alpha men – it’s not a coincidence that the two men involved are the Commander and the Lieutenant Commander – but rather, with the low-status white knights who are excited to have women around on a daily basis because they hope that they might improve their poor odds.