Dismantling Obama

The God-Emperor is systematically eradicating Obama’s bureaucratic and legislative legacies:

With each passing day, President Donald Trump unravels another piece of Barack Obama’s legacy. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The Paris climate accords. The Iran nuclear deal. Transgender people serving in the military. And, now, that most personal of policies for the former president: The Affordable Care Act.

And yet Obama watches from the sidelines, mostly silent, as Trump punches holes in the dry wall of his freshly finished legacy.

Sure, he’s living his best, most fabulous post-presidential life — jetting around the world, spending time with his family, spending time with the rich and famous, making millions to write books, making hundreds of thousands of dollars for the simple act of opening his mouth.

But Trump is ticking through each of Obama’s policy achievements — foreign and domestic — and trying to dismantle them. CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote Friday that unraveling what Obama wrought seems to motivate just about everything Trump has done as President.

On a not-necessarily-entirely-unrelated note, one thought that occurs to me about the Weinstein situation is that the chans have been buzzing for weeks about an imminent, and decisive, move by the God-Emperor against the bi-factional ruling party and the deep bureaucracy. Now, this could be nothing more than wishful thinking on their part, but I had been already wondering what the true purpose of the NFL attack could be, other than shoring up his public support, since it was so obviously a major distraction for the media and the public alike. Now I’m wondering if it might have been to set the stage for the coming revelations that are said to be “beyond massive”.

An interesting consequence of the Weinstein case is the way in which it has prepared the public to find revelations an almost unthinkable degree of corruption and evil in powerful places to be credible. If the God-Emperor is going to go nuclear on his establishment enemies, the planets would appear to be in a favorable alignment.