Lawlessness in Germany

This is quite literally treason on the part of Germany’s federal migrant agents:

The German federal migrant agency has admitted that they are letting in migrants even when they have full knowledge that the passports and documentation they carry have been forged. A new report suggests that the German agency in control of migration, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), knew that passports used by migrants who flooded into the country last year were fake – but let the migrants attempt to claim asylum anyway.

Die Welt reports that BAMF had processed some 217,465 passports, birth certificates, and driver’s licenses of asylum seekers and that 2,273 of these documents had been forged.

According to German law, the penalty for forging documentation – especially passports and travel visas – is five years in prison. So far, no migrants have been arrested.

Law enforcement in Germany are extremely concerned by the numbers of migrants who have entered the country on false documentation.

We are truly entering revolutionary times. The governments of the West now openly harbor more contempt for their nations than the historical European monarchs ever did.

How much do you have to hate your own people to knowingly break the law in order to invite the Turk inside the gates?