Italy is next

4 Dicembre: IO VOTO NO

Italy NEXT to reject establishment as protest vote set to WIN referendum. Italy is set to deal a hammer blow to its government as the latest polls revealed voters will punish Matteo Renzi’s administration in the upcoming referendum. The prime minister’s failure to reach out to working class suggest large regions will snub Mr Renzi’s plan for constitutional reform.

A Demos poll has revealed Mr Renzi’s reforms will be rejected by an 11 percentage point margin in the south of the country – where most of the poorest regions are located – compared with a seven-point margin across the country. As the nation prepares for a momentous referendum, which could spark an exit from the European Union, Mr Renzi said that he would have no interest in running the country if voters reject the proposed constitutional reform.

Now are you starting to understand why I favor direct democracy? A nation is harder to corrupt than its political elite.

I expect NO to win by more than 7 points. This is more than a referendum on the constitutional reforms, it is a virtual referendum on the UE. And the European Union has been very, very bad for Italy. As they say from Calabria to Genova: