You may as well join the Alt-Right, gentlemen. Because that’s what they’re going to call you anyhow:
An alt-right group apparently is trying to build a small street army — vowing to use violence if necessary to defend free speech from leftist extremists.
Kyle Chapman — a “proud American nationalist” who became a conservative hero in some circles after his arrest this month during fierce clashes between anti-fascist protesters and Trump demonstrators — announced the formation of the new group last week on Facebook and issued a call to action.
“Our emphasis will be on street activism, preparation, defense and confrontation,” Chapman wrote on Facebook. “We will protect and defend our right wing brethren when the police and government fail to do so. This organization is for those that possess the Warrior Spirit. The weak or timid need not apply.”
Chapman said the organization, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, will be partnering with the Proud Boys, a conservative group formed by Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes that bills itself as “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” (McInnes is no longer affiliated with Vice and parted ways with the company 10 years ago.)
The formation of the new fraternity is being done with McInnes’ approval and Chapman is calling for action to defend against “Marxist groups that are intent on stripping us our freedoms,” according to another Facebook post.
“No more keyboard warrior s–t,” Chapman wrote in an earlier post. “No more crying about the state of our country while you do nothing to change it. It’s all about action. President Trump has our back for the next 8 years. The timing couldn’t be better. Let’s do this!”
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups and other extremist organizations, has taken notice of the “highly masculine” group, likening it to a neo-Nazi fight club called the “DIY Division,” whose members turned up in California last month to support an estimated 2,000 Trump supporters.
Strange, is it now, how the SPLC never seems to take notice of antifa or any other violent left-wing group no matter how many people they assault. But when people merely begin to plan to start defending themselves against the violent left that is attacking them, well, it’s THE SHOAH ALL OVAH AGAIN, again.
SPLC’s fundraising histrionics notwithstanding, the Men of the West, the Proud Boys and Violent Solutions are only the merest spark of the inferno that is going to sweep over the entire West in time. Liberalism has observably failed. Civic nationalism has observably failed. The so-called Enlightenment has not only observably failed, it was an obvious absurdity from the very beginning. The Alt-Right Revolution is the only response that is in line with the long term historical trends that does not involve complete societal, and possibly civilizational, collapse.
The occupied and invaded West will rise again, just as it did after Charles Martel defeated the Moor at Tours. The descendants of Lepanto and Vienna have not surrendered, they simply have not yet begun to expel the occupiers and invaders. But they will, as they have repeatedly done before.