Rick Wilson, one of the slimier NeverTrumpers, is waxing outraged over the “body-slamming” of a Guardian reporter.
- This Gianforte assault story is one of those moments where the cultural collapse of the GOP into the Trump Troll Party is captured
- First, if you’re defending someone assaulting a reporter because “duh lubrul media lies” allow me put the jackboot on the other foot.
- How would you feel if the parents of Seth Rich took out a tire iron and beat the living shit out of Sean Hannity for his repulsive lies?
- How would you feel if this rule got applied to Trumpbart “reporters” who are lying, tendentious, shitbirds of the highest order?
- Is it cool for me to beat that freakish, pasty recluse John Nolte’s head in because he literally *joked about my daughter being raped* ?
- Are you so past the rule of law, and lack so much confidence in your ideas that this is where you take political satisfaction?
- Because if this is where you are, you’re not a party; you’re a mob. If this is where you are, you’re not a conservative; you’re trash.
- the vast majority of people beating their chests and macho ball-walking on this issue have never been in a fight, never landed a punch
- But I guarantee you some of them, including the clickseratives, will defend this even obliquely
- the problem with political violence is twofold; first, it accelerates. 2nd, the set of acceptable targets widens.
- If you’re a Republican or conservative defending this, please stop identifying yourself as either
It’s amusing that we’re supposed to care. Our motto is PUNCH BACK HARDER. The Alt-Right did not start this. But the Alt-Right will finish it. The gloves came off once and for all when the Left, and the mainstream media, decided it was perfectly acceptable to “punch a Nazi”. Well, all Gianforte was doing was punching Nazis. He just defines the term “Nazi” a little differently, although no more flexibly, than the media does.
You can always tell with whom the cuckservatives truly identify. They never miss a chance to signal their virtue to the Left, and demonstrate that they are not like us. Well, that’s absolutely fine. We know their worth; they’ll do us more good on the other side anyhow.
We’re not conservatives. We’re not Republicans. We are the Alt-Right and both the Left and the cucks are terrified of us, because unlike the cucks and cons, we are trash that not only punches back, but punches back harder.
My only opinion on the Gianforte story is that I hope he has the sense to refuse to apologize, refuse to withdraw, and runs his campaign on an openly anti-media theme.