Nate posts on TWA 800:
The number of ships or subs the Navy claimed were within 185 miles of the disaster.4
The number of Navy ships or subs the FBI, in its final report, admitted were in “the immediate vicinity” of the disaster.7
The number of days it allegedly took the Navy to find the black boxes in 130 feet of calm water off the Hamptons.7
The number of hours it actually took the Navy to find the black boxes of a crashed Turkish airplane in 7,200 feet of water earlier in that year off the Dominican Republic.4
The number of seconds missing at the end of both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder.3
The number of satellites in position to record the disaster.3
The number of satellites reportedly broken at that very moment.
Since I’m well-versed in history and have learned how often the “official” story is a complete pack of lies, I usually appreciate hearing the government’s explanation for an incident, as that eliminates one possibility right there. Interesting, too, that both John Kerry and George Stephanopolous have referred to the “bombing” of TWA 800. Nate’s got more listed; check it out.