Mailvox: what makes a media whore?

JJ poses a question:

I’m just curious, Vox – who would NOT count as a media whore? Is it possible for someone who is a member of the media full time not to be a media whore?

The criteria are three. To three, thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Thou shalt not count to five, neither shall thou count to two, excepting in that thou then proceedeth to three.

1. Are they camera hungry? Do they give off an air of wishing that this brief shining moment when the eyes (or ears) of the world are upon them could go on forever? Do they show up despite having nothing to add to the conversation? Do they allow others to speak, or do they try to monopolize the microphone.

2. Do they suck up to the host? Conversely, if they are hosts, do they suck up to their guests? Do they pretend to be friend, pals and buddies when they don’t even know the other person and clearly don’t get along with them?

3. Are they willing to abandon their principles any time anyone calls them on it? Do they even have any discernable principles? Do they always seek to please the powerful? Does the end of being on the show appear to justify the means?

I haven’t worked out a formal definition yet, but this should indicate what I’m thinking.