From the Corriere della Sera:
La prima al Milan: Stam e il solito Sheva affondano l’Inter. Massimo risultato con il minimo sforzo. Il Milan si aggiudica con un 2 a 0 il primo round dell’euroderby. Per gli uomini di Mancini, mai veramente incisivi, tutte le speranze sono ora riposte nel ritorno che si giocherà martedì 12 aprile.
The first game to Milan: Stam and Shevchenko, as usual, sink Inter. With a maximum result from a minimum of effort, Milan took a 2-0 lead in the first round of the Euroderby. For Mancini’s men, who were never very incisive, all of their hopes are now resting on the rematch, which will be played Tuesday, April 12.
It was nice to see Chelsea destroying Bryan Munich too. Milan shouldn’t have any trouble reaching the next stage, since one away goal will see them through even in the event of a draw. A Scudetto/Champion’s League double would certainly be a nice way to close out the season.