Army of Mom cries about women crying:
This guy makes me sick. It is more than just his haircut , too. Apparently, a female leader crying at the tragedy her state just experienced is just another sign of how pathetic us women are.
I swear to God that I’m not making this up. Even though Haley Barbour cried while doing an interview that I saw with a national news channel, this jerk somehow thinks that the Louisiana governor’s tears during a press conference renders her incapable of running the state….
Ok, yeah. Whatever. Women do, indeed, cry and get emotional, but I challenge anyone to look at the glue that holds this country together and tell me that women are too weak to handle it. Look at all the military wives running their households, look at all the corporations succeeding under women. *shaking my head*
You’ll notice that AOM skips right over the tiny fact that nearly every commentator, left and right, has concluded that the leadership of Louisiana Governor Kathleen “Weepy” Blanco has been absolutely pathetic from the start and has contributed greatly to the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of people living in the state for which she is responsible. As for Haley Barbour, it’s not just the tears, it’s the fact that Governor Blanco’s first public response to the disaster was crying, blaming others and then failing to take any initiative. It is the combination of these things that has made her such a contemptible figure to so many people. Don’t forget that public crying put both Pat Schroeder and Edmund Muskie out of political contention either.
And sure, let’s take a look at all those corporations “succeeding” under women. There’s a grand total of two Fortune 500 companies with female CEOs, and here’s a portrait of the Wonder Women of corporate America. I particularly enjoyed reading about the way they’ve successfully balanced their careers and their multiple marriages.
The most amusing thing is how Carly Fiorina is cited as one of these ten wonder women when her short-lived spell at HP’s helm is generally accounted a disaster. From the same purportedly laudatory article:
“When Fiorina took over HP in 1999, she was hailed by the media as a star who would rescue the ailing high-tech giant. But her initial success at Hewlett-Packard began to falter with the $19 billion acquisition of Compaq Computer in 2002, referred to by some as “Fiorina’s Folly.” The deal was vehemently opposed by the heirs of HP’s founders. Fiorina prevailed, but most industry analysts considered the acquisition a mistake, and HP’s stock stagnated in the two years following the merger. Fiorina was also faulted for not fostering HP’s long tradition as an innovator. In Feb. 2005, her six-year tenure at Hewlett-Packard ended when she was abruptly ousted.”
Now, I am an admirer of Margaret Thatcher, who governed in such an impeccably female manner that I can recall a notable feminist who’d been invited to speak at my university declaring: “Margaret Thatcher is not of the gender woman!” But despite her unique courage and successes, even Thatcher ultimately ended a failure, as she admitted in her memoirs that she’d been taken in by the sweet promises of the European Union advocates and sold out her nation’s sovereignty.
Imagine that, a woman believing men’s lies and trading independence for promises of security. The main problem with female leadership isn’t that women aren’t intelligent or capable, it is that they typically demonstrate a lack of resolve when action is required, apparently in the hope that enough talking will somehow solve things. Some of AOM’s readers cited childbirth as a proof of women’s toughness, but that’s a different form of toughness. Childbirth requires endurance, not resolve, because the pain of childbirth is coming whether the incipient mother accepts it or not.
As for the fearsome “Barbara fucking Jordan”, I’m relatively confident that I can take a dead, wheelchair-bound lesbian even on an off day. Bring her on! Cage Match: Vox Day versus Barbara Jordan and the corpse of Ann Richards! Or is it the other way around? It’s so hard to tell these days.