Doubtless karma

A good Frater drinks to the deceased:

Interesting news. A pill designed to kill is doing just that–to the women who take it. The unusual and sudden deaths of four California women after they took the abortion pill RU-486 has prompted the federal government to hold a daylong scientific meeting on the topic in May.

So they are trying to off their baby and get offed themselves in the process?

(Seinfeld voice) That’s a shame. *takes swig of juice*

I wonder if the federal government would also be moved to hold a meeting if other filicidal killings went similarly awry, a partial-birth abortion, for example. “Yah, I meant to jab the scissors in the kid’s head, but I slipped and got her femoral artery by mistake. That’s a shame!”

I find the whole “coathanger” theme that one still occasionally sees at abortionette rallies to be downright amusing. I feel less sympathy for the largely mythical pre-1973 “victims” than I do for those Waffen SS death camp guards who were lined up against a wall and machine-gunned by American soldiers in clear violation of the Geneva Convention. At least the Waffen SS were acting on orders, the abortionettes simply want to kill children on behalf of their momentary desires.

Anyone who thinks that God is inclined to bless America these days can’t be paying much attention to His attitude towards those who sacrifice children and otherwise abuse them. I’m no prophet, but if I had to place a bet, it would be a heavy one on the side of judgment, not blessing.