Naturally, they’re worried about Iran

From the Washington Times:

Commercial photos show Chinese nuke buildup

Commercial satellite photos made public recently provide a new look at China’s nuclear forces and bases — images that include the first view of a secret underwater submarine tunnel. A Pentagon official said the photograph of the tunnel entrance reveals for the first time a key element of China’s hidden military buildup. Similar but more detailed intelligence photos of the entrance are highly classified within the U.S. government, the official said.

This reminds me of our 9/11 response. After being attacked by Saudi jihadist led by a wealthy Saudi, we invaded Iraq. Now the second-largest military power and a self-declared enemy of the United States is building up its nukes, so naturally we’re preparing to attack Iran.

I never thought I’d say it, but this administration makes the Clinton administration look almost sane.

It’s beginning to look like someone is planning to take advantage of an occupied American military, doesn’t it? No doubt if we do attack Iran and the attack goes awry thanks to China pulling something, the media will be full of stories about how no one could possibly have seen it coming and so forth.
