From National Review:
Comedy Central Censored Mohammed
I’m not sure if it’s been reported yet, but for what it’s worth, I just got off the phone with a Comedy Central spokesman. I asked him about last night’s episode of South Park in which, at a moment right before the prophet Mohammed was supposed to make a cameo, the words, “Comedy Central has refused to broadcast an image of Mohammed on their network” appeared on the screen.
I asked him whether this truly was Comedy Central’s decision or whether this was just another gag (with South Park, you never know). He said: “They reflected it accurately. That was a Comedy Central decision.”
Just in case there was any confusion, that settles it. Comedy Central censored the image.
It seems pretty obvious now that the only effective resort Christians have in the face of the many blasphemers determined to mock their faith and their God is threaten to lop a few heads off. Beheadings certainly appear to be more effective than boycotts. This would likely benefit the arts, too, as one probable benefit would be to focus artists on producing actual art rather than merely attempted shock schlock.
By the way, whatever happened to all that posturing about defending my free speech to the death and whatnot? How am I supposed to take that seriously when they won’t even defend their own?