I have an idea that amuses me. Someone will do it sooner or later, although I can’t imagine Aardvark jumping on this one. I can’t imagine anything sending college feminists stark raving insane like an “American Rapist” line of t-shirts, with slogans like:
“We both know you want it!”
“ROHYPNOL – helping sociopaths score since 1992”
“I’m big enough, I’m strong enough, and doggone it, I have a knife.”
“I am inevitable, relax and enjoy me.”
“NO means MAYBE” (on the back) “MAYBE means YES”
“Actually, it is about sex.”
“If you didn’t want it, why are you dressed like that?”
“See you after the candlelight vigil”
“What time are you planning on walking alone to your car?” (Somebody posted that here yesterday, that was good.)
“It’s my night and you can’t have it back.”
and, of course, “Duke Lacrosse”
They’d have to be printed on wife-beaters, naturally. You see, as PJ Wodehouse demonstrated so beautifully with Sir Roderick Spode, the only way to shut up fascists is to mock them. “Did you ever in your puff see such a perfect perisher? Footie bags? Pah!” It is in the feminists’ interests to set men back on their heels by insisting that all men are rapists, or at the very least potential rapists, so, (to turn a feminist technique on its head), only by claiming the title with pride will we completely eliminate what they want to be its potential power over men.
Plus, any way you look at it, it’s funny. Not as funny as a group of rabid feminists chanting “cunt, cunt, cunt” together, but funny nevertheless.
On a more serious note, there’s no question that suffering a real rape, (as opposed to a “near rape” or a “date rape”) is somewhat traumatic for either a man or a woman, in much the same way that a vicious beating is traumatic. But in my experience, parental divorce leaves deeper and more lasting psychological scars on women; it is ironic, then, that feminists are so concerned about mythical rape while simultaneously celebrating divorce.