Bomb New York,
Light up the New York sky
Like the Fourth of July!
It’s typical Onion humor, but it wouldn’t be so funny if there weren’t more than a grain of truth to it. I don’t give a damn about New York City or its denizens and it’s not hard to make a powerful case that America as a nation would be better off without it and Washington DC.
“You can just reduce New York City to a pile of rubble, it ain’t going to affect us much.”
Whether you think that’s sad or not, it’s absolutely true. It also means that the Giuliani campaign, based as it is on his self-styled status as “the thavior of New York Thity”, isn’t going to get anywhere near the White House. You’ll notice that the Queen-in-waiting hasn’t been talking about being a big Yankees fan since her campaign started, she’s been playing up her carpetbagging Southern twang instead.