If a member of a self-declared minority reports a “hate crime” that is enthusiastically covered by the mainstream media, it is a hoax perpetrated by a member of that minority, usually the “victim” who reported it:
A firefighter who reported finding a knotted rope and a threatening note with a drawing of a noose in an East Baltimore station house last month had placed the items there himself, city officials said yesterday.
The man was suspended last week for performance-related issues and will likely face additional punishment, fire officials said. Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Police Department and for Mayor Sheila Dixon, said the man admitted to the hoax and will not face criminal charges. Officials identified the firefighter who they say acknowledged writing the note as Donald Maynard, a firefighter-paramedic apprentice who is black. Maynard could not be reached for comment.
The rope incident sparked outrage two weeks ago and prompted a federal investigation into possible civil rights violations. It was the latest in a series of incidents that have cast the Fire Department in a poor light over the past year, including the death of a recruit in a training exercise and accusations of racism.
This is an interesting confession of the existence of thought crime in the USA. Had a white firefighter in that firehouse done precisely the same thing, he would have been charged with a crime. Thus it is the improper thoughts which are the criminal factor, so watch out, those of you who read the linked story and find yourself thinking, “gee, I wonder if it was the improper grammar was the FBI’s first clue…..”
American society is a place where everyone wants to be a victim. Poor black gangstas in the ghetto are victims, rich housewives in the coffeehouse are victims, everybody’s a victim. Given that, it should come as no surprise that those who feel they are insufficiently victimized should occasionally take steps in order to justify a better public claim on victimhood.