Voxiversity: Thucydides S7

The quiz covering the events of Book FiveSix, which took place during the seventeenth and eighteenth years of the war can be taken here. Sorry about the delay… now discuss away!

The History of the Peloponnesian War 1.1 to 1.115.

The History of the Peloponnesian War 1.116 to 2.46.

The History of the Peloponnesian War 2.47 to 2.103.

The History of the Peloponnesian War 3.1 to 3.116.

The History of the Peloponnesian War 4.1 to 4.135.

The History of the Peloponnesian War 5.1 to 5.116.

UPDATE – A few of the Thucydidean die-hards have expressed some concerns about the project. DocBrown, who has been solid throughout, wondered aloud: “Does anyone else get the feeling Vox is losing interest; late quizzes, very few comments on his part, no follow up posts with analysis like at the beginning?”

It’s not a matter of losing interest, only a matter of being busy with a few other things this summer. Unfortunately, it’s nothing I can discuss yet, but I’ve had some interesting opportunities present themselves of late, two of which I’ve chosen to pursue. The one that I can mention is a group blog to which I’ll be contributing once a week; it kicks off in another two weeks and I’m quite looking forward to it as I’m a big fan of the associated publication. It’s nothing political, but it will provide a nice venue for a topic that has seldom proven to be of much interest here.

Regarding Book Six, I was struck once more with what an effective general Demosthenes is. It would have been interesting to know what he thought of the expedition; Nicias’s doubts are well-founded, but his good reputation and military competence notwithstanding, he lacks the strength of character to decline the command. One thing that is oft forgotten when it comes to the Athenians is their military prowess on land as well as sea, they tend to remind me somewhat of the WWII German infantry in their audacity and aggressiveness. In battle after battle, they prove superior in terms of leadership and performance, they’re simply not the effete mercantile philosophers that they’re often assumed to be.

Before I forget, Book Seven will be next Saturday.