As, apparently, do the police lies:
An attorney for the family of a 7-year-old girl who was killed by a police officer’s bullet during a weekend raid at their home said Monday that he saw video of the raid that contradicts the police department’s version of what happened.
Attorney Geoffrey Fieger said he watched three or four minutes of video that showed police fired into the home after lobbing a flash grenade through the window. He said this contradicts the police department’s story, which was that the officer’s gun discharged during a struggle or collision inside the home with the girl’s grandmother.
You know it is getting bad when people start automatically assuming that the police version is false. I don’t know about you, but it never even crossed my mind that the “struggle with grandma” story could possibly be true.
Ban SWAT. They are conclusively proven to be more dangerous to American children than al Qaeda, the Taliban, Iran, and pit bulls combined.