This is absolutely hilarious:
We all went to bed that night, and then at 1:15 AM, my doorbell rang. Our dog started barking and we heard bam, bam, bam … someone was banging on our door. It was the Marion County Sheriff’s Department. An officer said an anonymous tip had come in that our daughter was hurting herself. He wouldn’t tell us who called the tip in, but he made me wake my daughter up to make sure she was OK. The officer was really rude and my daughter kept denying that she made any videos. She kept saying, “I didn’t do any of this!” He was here for about 15 minutes.
The next morning, my husband and I were sitting in our home when the doorbell rang again. Another sheriff’s department officer was banging on the door. This time, they had another anonymous tip from someone in California claiming my daughter had female prostitutes coming in and out of our home from ads posted on Craigslist.
The punchline? All sorts of idiots on both sides of the political spectrum think that the problem here is Internet trolls and the solution is even MORE police activity. Of course, the only reason that anyone can be harassed this way is because of the police state in which the police do everything from sending investigative officers to armed SWAT teams to people’s houses without warrants on the sole basis of anonymous tips.
What’s happening here does reflect a sick society, but 4chan is not the sickness. It is merely a symptom of the myriad of ways in which the mere existence of the police state creates harassment of the individual.