The Wall Street Journal finally begins to notice that there is no economic recovery underlying the March 2009 advance:
The jobs picture is much worse than they’re telling you. Forget the “official” unemployment rate of 9.5%. Alternative measures? Try this: Just 61% of the adult population, age 20 or over, has any kind of job right now. That’s the lowest since the early 1980s — when many women stayed at home through choice, driving the numbers down. Among men today, it’s 66.9%. Back in the ’50s, incidentally, that figure was around 85%, though allowances should be made for the higher number of elderly people alive today. And many of those still working right now can only find part-time work, so just 59% of men age 20 or over currently have a full-time job. This is bullish?
(Today’s bonus question: If a laid-off contractor with two kids, a mortgage and a car loan is working three night shifts a week at his local gas station, how many iPads can he buy for Christmas?)
Any predictions on when the first serious mention of Great Depression 2.0 occurs in the WSJ? This can’t be an airy dismissal, but should be accompanied by an admission that there is no double-dip, it’s all just one giant multi-year contraction.