It’s hardly news to any man who works in an office that wives who work are much more likely to have affairs:
‘Climbing the career ladder can do weird things to people and it can corrupt both men and women,’ she says. ‘I think it’s very plausible that it makes women more sexually promiscuous.’
This is borne out by the volume of traffic on Illicit Encounters. The internet site which caters for married professionals looking for adulterous affairs has nearly 600,000 members, and women looking for extra-marital sex outnumber men by 3½ to 1. Most are married with children, aged between their early 30s and mid-40s, and pursuing a well-paid career.
It is a very, very bad idea to pursue a relationship with a woman who has a career. As a general rule, they don’t make good wives and they make inferior mothers. While it might be nice for a man to think that he will be relieved of at least part of the burden of supporting the family, the brutal reality is that between the increased tax burden and the increased material ambitions that more joint income usually entails, two-income families don’t tend to be significantly better off in terms of wealth once debt is accounted for than single-income families. There are often some additional material benefits, but those are balanced by the combination of a degraded quality of home life for everyone, including the wife, and the increased risk of extramarital affairs and divorce.
There is a reason that stable societies are built upon a structural foundation of men providing for women and women caring for children. One rejects the historically sound model at one’s peril.