A Message from Big Bear

Unauthorized has been deplatformed again from a payment processor. Out of the blue and we had been very careful and cautious.

It’s a bummer but I’ve been doing this a long time. You people are the real treasure not some algorithm or some green paper with runes on them. We will find a way and it’s all a blessing.

And although it can feel demoralizing, to spend all year inching our way back from the last fire. All while we watch what is restricted. The poison, the lies. But in time we will look back at the blessing it is and have a deep laugh at what was revealed. Thanks for sticking with us. Onward to the good the true and the beautiful.

If you still needed proof that what we’re doing matters, the fact that Unauthorized has been deplatformed again for absolutely nothing at all should suffice to demonstrate that we are. Of course, there wasn’t even an accusation of anything specific, just an airy assertion of some metaphorical “violation of policy” that neither refers to a specific policy nor points out any actual violation.

And to add inept insult to injury, the button to request a review of the unjustified action did nothing but lead to a dead link.

There is no need for demoralization nor will any despair be entertained for even one second. This is not a surprise, we’ve been through this before, and we already have multiple alternatives that have been in the works for as long as three years, including some unusual ones that may surprise you a little. UATV will continue to operate uninterrupted and unchanged, the creators will continue to stream, more new videos, music, and audiobooks will continue to be uploaded, and we will come through this stronger than before, as we always do.

Conflict is in the air we breath. Conflict is the water through which we swim. It is conflict that makes us who and what we are.

We will keep you posted. For fastest and most regular updates, get a free subscription to the UATV substack.

The Ride Never Ends.