No More Pressing 2

Arkansas is the first state to get serious about immigration and employment

English Checks Have Begun! Truck driver in Arkansas at a weigh station

  • They’re stopping ALL trucks
  • Everyone is handed a piece of paper
  • They must read it out loud
  • They must also write what they’re told to write

“I was actually witnessing people in handcuffs that had been pulled in. I was like, what’s going on? He goes, we’ve come across now that if you cannot read or write in English, that it’s a $5,000 fine.

And if you have a company in Arkansas that employs people that can’t read or write in English, it’s a $10,000 fine paid on the spot.

If you cannot pay it, you’re automatically arrested and lose your license.

We need this in EVERY state!!

It’s about time. This should have been implemented as standard across the USA before Reagan accepted the first immigration amnesty.