Fake Democracy in France

The complete and utter lie of “the Western democracies” is illustrated again in France:

French Prime Minister Franсois Bayrou has rejected the idea of consulting the public on critical defense decisions, asserting that such matters fall under government responsibility.

In an interview on CNews and Europe 1, journalist Sonia Mabrouk asked Bayrou whether the French people should have a say in major defense policies, including the financial burden of increased military spending and the shift towards a “war economy.”

“Maybe it’s time to consult the French? It’s really the right of the people to dispose of themselves,” she suggested.

Bayrou dismissed the idea. “Yes, what you suggest is the right of the people not to dispose of themselves, or to no longer dispose of themselves, to give up on their freedom,” he responded. He argued that allowing public votes on defense matters would be akin to France abandoning its responsibility to protect itself.

They have to destroy democracy in order to save it, you see. In order to defend the will of the people, it’s first necessary to ignore the will of the people.

This sort of inversion is always a certain sign of sulfur. It’s all you need to know to confirm that a) the Eurocrats are the servants of the global satanists, and b) the Russians are the good guys in the Euroclown-Russian War.

The foolish thing about this fake democracy is that when it comes to war, if you don’t have the genuine support of the people, particularly the young men, you’re going to lose because even if they don’t get to vote with their ballots, they will vote with their feet, and, if necessary, their white flags.