I’ve been telling everyone for decades that what passes for success in Clown World was fake. I knew it for an absolute fact because I saw nobodies, mediocrities, and charlatans becoming stars, celebrities, and millionaires by having one situation after another handed to them for no rational reason that anyone could explain, except occasionally by ethnic nepotism. But even that explanation didn’t, and couldn’t account for much of the fake success.
But now, with the tip of the iceberg that is USAID exposed, we know why and how these talentless mediocrities, from Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, became “successful”, as /pol/ explains.
I think the biggest takeaway from all this should be for those who’ve been economically and emotionally struggling, particularly white men. The problem isn’t your skills, your looks, your charisma, etc., it’s that you’ve been “competing” in a completely fake illusion world where every enterprise from games to journalism to industry to art museums is getting unlimited money (stolen from you) from the government faucet. And it wasn’t even a faucet, it’s a firehose. Everything from video games to the decor at Pizza Hut was rigged.
Couldn’t find a job? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get into college? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a business of the ground? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t find a girl with values? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a youtube channel to take off? Literally not your fault.To all the anons reading this, it isn’t your fault. It really was everyone and everything else. You’re not crazy. You’re doing fine. The deck wasn’t just stacked against you, the whole game was fake.
The God-Emperor 2.0 is giving us the great gift of exposing the fraud, and in doing so, we may, for the first time in decades, have the opportunity of a more-or-less-level playing field. So it’s time for us to work even hard and up our games. Remember this? This was the actual site traffic comparison from 2009 to 2021 of one celebrity author upon whom media attention and million-dollar book contracts was lavished (red) and an author who was actively suppressed and deplatformed on every side (blue). And this is what it looks like when the competition is fair, and there isn’t a series of government-funded thumbs on the scale.
Buckle up and get down to business. The winning has barely started.