Loomer or Lunatic?

Milo appears to have dropped the bomb at which CDAN appeared to be hinting last week.

In fundraising emails, Laura Loomer tells her fans that she has been targeted by the FBI for political persecution. They’ve blacklisted her from owning a gun, she says, which threatens her physical safety.
But Loomer’s account misses out a critical detail: It’s not her politics, but rather her fragile mental state that prompted the Bureau to block her from possessing a firearm. Far from singling her out, the FBI has bent over backwards to gently explain to Loomer why she is not a fit person to own a gun.

For instance, a letter they sent her in 2020, in response to her appeal, delicately cited the two involuntary psychiatric holds her own father, Jeff Loomer, had placed her under in the prior half-decade. I know because I’ve seen the letter they sent her in response to her appeal. I have a copy of it in my safe in Los Angeles.

And I know because Jeff, at first reluctant to speak with me, but eventually, once again fearing for his daughter’s mental health this week, confirmed it by telephone on Friday. Jeff, evidently frightened of his daughter, spoke in hushed tones about her emotional volatility and admitted she had attempted suicide several times. “I wouldn’t allow her a gun,” he admitted.

Laura Loomer has been diagnosed at various times and by various doctors as suffering from bipolar disorder, histrionic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder. Loomer’s mother, whom we are not naming today, is an alcoholic, manic depressive and suffers from bipolar disorder, in common with her daughter…

Loomer has two brothers. One is a violent schizophrenic who is permanently incarcerated in a psychiatric facility. He will never be released. The other also suffers from depression and mood disorders, and has been in and out of institutions all his life. We are not naming either brother for the sake of their privacy.

I’ve had very little contact with Laura Loomer. We exchanged a polite email or two back in 2015; she reached out to me for some reason I do not recall but probably had to do with the Trump campaign. And while I didn’t pick up anything beyond her being a garden-variety conservative grifter of the Ben Shapiro variety writ small, I was very confused by her subsequent attempt to run for Congress, given that she didn’t appear to have any substantial following of any kind.

However, whether it is Laura Loomer, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, or any of an increasingly long list of individuals who purport to be offering advice or guidance of some kind, who listens to these people? I’ve never heard any of them say anything that is even remotely insightful or intelligent. At this point, I think it is vital to view anyone who is elevated by the media and provided even neutral coverage has to be regarded with deep skepticism, and preferably, kept at a reasonably distance.

As for the idea that she is, or ever was, having an affair with Donald Trump… let’s just be polite and say it can be safely dismissed.