After Action Report

The Based Book Sale reports a successful campaign:

The latest Based Book Sale completed with Amazon reporting a total of 152 Kindle Free E-books and 1748 Kindle Paid E-Books sold to based readers. That doesn’t include sales authors made themselves or through channels outside Amazon, so the actual totals – judging by the reports authors have been sending me – are significantly higher.

Top authors included Vox Day, John C. Wright, Edward Gibbon, David Herod, Robert Kroese, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Michael F. Kane, M.D. Boncher, Edgar Rice Burroughs, G.K. Chesterton, J. M. Anjewierden, Travis Corcoran, E.E. “Doc” Smith, Hans G. Schantz, David Lindsay, Richard Nichols, Milo James Fowler, Jacob Calta, and Robert E. Howard. That’s quite a remarkable line-up, and highlights the Based Book community’s interest in both modern-day masters and the great creators of old.

I saw many participants’ tweets promoting the sale come across my feed. And we got an excellent boost from Vox Day, Liberty’s Torch, and Anonymous Conservative.

Thanks to all the authors who participated, to Hans for setting it up, and most of all, to those of you who took advantage of the sale to check out new books and new authors. It’s efforts like these that provide the foundations for the alternative platforms that are so desperately needed. I’ll check Amazon later today to determine the delta between books reported to the sale and books actually sold.

Now, let’s get some reviews up there for all those books!