Feminism Failed

Millennial here…every single woman I know is on antidepressants. That’s it. Every single woman I know is on antidepressants. All my best friends. All of their sisters. All of my sister siblings. All of our mothers.

The failure of feminism was always inevitable. But because MPAI, which is to say that most people are incapable of correctly anticipating the probable future consequences of their decisions and actions today, let alone on a collective macro scale, it can be useful to cite the proof of that inevitable failure once it arrives and can no longer be reasonably denied.

And the fact that the majority of adult women require being drugged to the gills with mind-bending, mood-altering substances in order to function in today’s feminist society is conclusive proof that feminism is not a viable political philosophy or a reasonable philosophical foundation for a functional society.

I doubt any studies have been performed, but I would bet that the number of traditional anti-feminist women who are on antidepressants is less than one-tenth the number of modern, progressive, feminist who are. Because feminism is not merely insane, it actually drives women who subscribe to it insane over time.