The Final Stages of Feminism

Feminism has always been an obvious self-negating political philosophy. I have repeatedly pointed that out in a few of my supposedly controversial statements that should not be controversial at all, because everything that I have said on the subject is observably and confirmably true in every respect.

  • 2012: Feminism is the only ideology that is more intellectually incoherent than communism and more societally suicidal than the Skoptsy.
  • 2014: Feminism is less coherent than communism and more murderous than National Socialism. That is because it is, quite literally, an ideology concocted by madwomen. Feminism is, quite literally, insane. Any woman who calls herself a feminist is identifying herself as a woman with mental health issues.
  • 2023: Feminism never made any sense. It was another seductive, but destructive Jewish ideology that was more incoherent than communism, more bloodthirsty than nazism, and more histrionic than fascism. Its eventual collapse was always inevitable.

Always the Horizon points out how feminism is already entering its end stages:

Feminism in its modern form exists due to two primary driving influences.

  • The boredom of housewives in the 1950s and 1960s
  • A corporate interest in doubling the workforce thereby halving pay for workers

Both are coming to a head as feminism in its modern form has been nothing but detrimental for the general population. Women’s empowerment became a trade of slaving away in for your family to slaving away for your boss in the corporate office. The contract between genders has effectively been scrapped and women are suffering from severe mental illness while many men have given up on relationships entirely.

Feminist ideology has been evil from the very start, but the fruits of its destruction are now plainly visible to every one. In a world where women can’t work, a lot of women will protest for the right to work. In a world where almost all women must work to survive and can’t afford the time for a family of their own, you can bet that there’s going to be a backlash…

Here stand we now, at the conclusion of the first quarter of the 21st century bearing witness to all of the fantastic achievements of modern feminism. Women can vote. Women are expected to slave away for their boss in an office. Women displace men at universities on behalf of equity over equality. Racial relations are worse than they’ve been in nearly 30 years and angry old hags screech about female objectification while young girls dye their hair purple and objectify themselves on OnlyFans for a quick buck. The gender contract is broken and dating is worse than it’s ever been. Women are more mentally ill now then ever before in history, and men are more disengaged in our society since we started measuring. Truly the feminist golden age… The 2020s express a complete victory of that ideology.

We are already starting to the beginning of the popular cultural revolt. There’s an entire trend on short-form-video where young women express their exhaustion with modern work and dating culture. Go to school. Go into debt. Get a white collar job. Become a Girl Boss [TM]. Then get married, have kids if you want to. Slave away for your employer for 30 years barely-paying-the-bills and retire.

In a world where working full time barely pays for a small apartment, much less a family, selling young women on going into the work force is getting a lot harder. The equity push is also not providing a whole lot of benefits as young women learn that being a man is hard and being expected to do that for 40 or 50 years is pretty miserable. Especially for young women that want to start a family, or build an actual home and community for themselves.

More importantly, women aren’t bored any more. The rise of social media is itself going to be the end of feminism whether women choose to admit it or not. Whether feminists choose to admit it or not. One of the main drivers of women entering the work force was, let’s be honest, suburban boredom. It was one thing when women had to work in the home as much as men had to work out of the home to stay alive. It was one thing when women were able to form communities and entertain themselves with petty local drama while the men were away doing survival things… With the rise of social media, both men and women are finding new outlets for their personal needs. 

As one of the building blocks of Clown World, feminism was always one of its Achilles heels. And as with other rhetorical Clown World concepts such as “freedom” and “democracy”, the lies inherent in the concept are now so obvious to everyone that the historical allure has been replaced by disdain, confusion, and a very reasonable fear of missing out on the good things in life on the part of every woman who is capable of paying attention to the world around her.