Clown World “Democracy” in France

French President Emmanuel Macron refuses to accept the Parliament’s choice for Prime Minister.

Following consultations with the main political forces at the Elysée Palace on Friday and Monday, the head of state ruled out the appointment of Lucie Castets as prime minister, as demanded by the left-wing coalition.

According to Emmanuel Macron, “a government based solely on the program and parties” of the NFP “would immediately be censured by all the other groups represented in the National Assembly”. “The institutional stability of our country therefore requires that this option not be retained”, he thundered.
In the same text, the President of the Republic announced the launch of “a new round of consultations” starting on Tuesday with party leaders and “personalities distinguished by their experience in serving the State and the Republic”. A source close to Emmanuel Macron told Agence France-Presse on Monday evening that La France Insoumise, Rassemblement National and Eric Ciotti would not be invited to the new consultations.

Even before the announcement of Mr. Macron’s decision, the leaders of the Nouveau Front Populaire had announced that from now on they would only go to the Elysée “to work on the modalities of this cohabitation” with Ms. Castets at Matignon. None of the left-wing groups in the NFP coalition is therefore expected to go to the Elysée Palace on Tuesday.

All the left-wing parties have vehemently denounced Mr. Macron’s refusal to allow them to appoint a government, despite finishing top of the legislative elections. The national coordinator of La France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard, denounced on BFM “an anti-democratic coup de force that is being carried out on the basis of an argument that makes no sense”. “Emmanuel Macron’s communiqué is a disgrace”, said Marine Tondelier, National Secretary of the Ecologists. Communist Party national secretary Fabien Roussel felt that members of the presidential camp “don’t want the left and the ecologists to govern, they don’t want to respond to our citizens’ expectations for change”. “The Republic was born of the refusal of personal power,” wrote the Socialist Party’s first secretary, Olivier Faure, for his part, denouncing Mr. Macron’s decision.

In the evening, Manuel Bompard announced that a motion of impeachment against the head of state “will be presented by the Insoumis deputies to the bureau of the National Assembly in accordance with article 68 of the Constitution”, to oppose “an abuse of power”.

So, the Clown World “centrists” manipulated the electoral system to keep the nationalists out, and thereby handed the elections to the French Left. But, of course, they don’t want the Left to actually take power, because the Left is insane and will simply accelerate the process of turning power over to the nationalists.

Remember, this is the “democracy” that is supposed to be in demand all over the world. No wonder all the sovereign nations are looking at China and Russia and deciding that they’d better apply to BRICS.