Telegram Founder Arrested

Clown World is beginning to become unsafe for elite members of the corpocracy who don’t toe the current clown line:

Telegram messaging app founder and CEO Pavel Durov has reportedly been arrested at a French airport after stepping off private plane. Police swooped on the billionaire shortly after landing at the Bourget airport, outside Paris, following a flight from Azerbaijan, French outlet TF1 info reported, citing an unnamed source. Durov was travelling aboard his private jet and had been targeted by an arrest warrant in France, the news site added.

Despite being born in Russia, Durov has not lived there since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Crimea and the Donbas area of Ukraine in 2014. Durov now lives in Dubai where Telegram is based and holds dual citizenship of both France and the United Arab Emirates. 

Durov isn’t, and never was, one of the good guys. He already burned his bridges with Russia, having previously founded the top social media site there. It’s interesting that France would suddenly turn on him; presumably the French are acting on someone else’s orders since Durov told Tucker that the CIA had previously demanded the same backdoor into Telegram that all the major social media platforms have given them.

I have no idea what this signifies, since one would tend to assume that losing WWIII would be more than sufficient to keep the clowns occupied. Certainly the Russians are finding some amusement in the arrest, and they believe the US is behind it.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has asked if international human rights groups will pressure France over the arrest of Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, given the harsh criticism levied at Russia several years ago when it tried to regulate the messaging app’s operations. Zakharova recalled how in 2018 a group of 28 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House and Reporters Without Borders, condemned a Russian court decision to block Telegram in the country.

UPDATE: The Rumble CEO has left Europe in response to the Durov arrest. I can’t imagine this is good news for the European economy.

I’ve just safely departed from Europe. France has threatened Rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arresting Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, reportedly for not censoring speech. Rumble will not stand for this behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human right. We are currently fighting in the courts of France, and we hope for Pavel Durov’s immediate release.