Of Course it Gets Worse

The part that the pro-refugee morons never stop to think through: what exactly do you think those refugees are going to do once they are embedded in your society. Do you think they are going to abide by your norms? No, they are not. Do you think they will engage in your business practices? No, they will not. Do you think they are going to abide by your laws? No, they are not.

The dirt is not magic. The business practices are not universal. The law is not substantive. And most importantly, the society is not immutable.

There is absolutely no way that American society can survive 100 million non-European immigrants and their descendants and survive, any more than American Indian society was able to survive five million European settlers and survive. None whatsoever.

Did Palestinian society survive the immigration of the Jewish settlers?

The same is true of the UK, of Sweden, of Germany, and every other European society that is being invaded by non-European peoples. One need not believe there is anything intrinsically wrong with African, Arab, or Chinese culture to grasp that they are all fundamentally different than the culture of each and every European society.