Nick Fuentes Calls Out Tucker

He makes a VERY strong case that if either of them is a Fed, it’s Tucker Carlson.

If anyone has a transcript, send it to me, I’ll post it here. But if Tucker has any legitimacy whatsoever, he will extend the same courtesy that he previously extended to Ray Epps and Kevin Spacey and offer to interview Nick on his show. If he doesn’t, well, then it will be entirely obvious who the fraud – and presumably Fed – actually is.

Even Owen, who has had his differences of opinion with Nick, finds his argument persuasive.

This is an epic rant by @NickJFuentes. And as someone who has also been character assassinated when people can’t address my points I totally feel this frustration. He’s a smart dude and funny. And his takedown of tucker’s attack on him is very true and very deserved.


UPDATE: The epic rant. Thanks to M for providing the transcript.

I saw yesterday Ian Miles Chong, who isn’t even American, he has never even been on the land, he said that I’m a fed, and he says it’s not clear what Nick Fuentes wants other than the elimination of all Jews. I swear these people lie every day. They make up a new lie fabricated every single day. They say it’s not clear what he wants other than genocide, genocide. And that’s when you realize it’s coordinated. These people are shills. They will do and say anything. They will make up any lie to stop the American people from having a voice, because that’s really what it amounts to.

So there was a lot of positive reaction, but there is a coordinated campaign. Did you notice that ever since I said I was going to go up against Trump, it’s like they flipped a switch. But ever since I said I’m going to begin this campaign, it has been like, it’s Tucker, it’s Milo, it’s Ian Miles Chong. And by the way, you know, at least in both those cases, they’re pieces of shit. Tucker has a little more credibility, but he’s a fed.

It’s like ever since I said I’m going up against Trump, everybody started to do this line about fed January 6, why weren’t you arrested? That’s all I’ve… that’s been the response. They’re not actually engaging with what I’m saying. They’re just saying, oh, I think he’s a fed now.

And it’s like, first of all, and I said this on Twitter today, it’s pretty audacious for Tucker Carlson to make that insinuation when his father was a CIA agent for 40 years. My father didn’t even go to college. His dad was running Voice of America at the height of the Cold War. He was literally running the US propaganda outlet that is run by the CIA. He was the longest president of the US propaganda outlet in history at the height of the Cold War. Yeah, but it’s me, but I’m the problem, right?

He interviewed Eric Prince. Eric Prince replaced the US soldiers in Iraq. He’s a CIA asset, and he’s in a group chat with Tucker. And Tucker invited on Joe Kent, a green beret. That’s US intelligence. He had on Curtis Yarvin, another child of an American spy. Curtis Yarvin’s father was as a diplomat and works with Peter Thiel, a federal informant and contractor.

So, you know, there’s something really interesting going on where Peter Thiel is an FBI informant. Okay, just so you understand, and you can look this up, Peter Thiel was an FBI informant. This was revealed by Charles Johnson. He was an FBI informant. His net worth, 50% of it comes from his company called Palantir, which exclusively contracted with the CIA for almost 10 years, from 2001 until 2008. And now they contract with the NSA, the FBI, every major law enforcement agency.

Peter Thiel funded JD Vance’s Senate campaign, and before that his venture capital firm. Vance was funded by Thiel in the private sector, and then Thiel gave Vance $15 million to get the Senate seat. And it was through Thiel that Vance got the Trump endorsement. I know that very few people do. Vance got the Trump endorsement through Thiel because, and I’m not going to give specifics, but Thiel was able to secure that for him.

Tucker Carlson allegedly persuaded Trump to make Vance the vice president. Tucker’s dad ran Voice of America for 20 years. Tucker’s in a group chat with CIA asset Eric Prince. And Tucker also was good friends with Joe Kent. Joe Kent, who was funded by Peter Thiel also in 2022 in his race in Washington, and he was intelligence. He was a Green Beret. So in a word, there are many people on social media who see nothing suspicious about all of that. Being a federal informant, being a contractor with the CIA, working for the Green Berets, pushing these people on Trump.

Tucker collaborated with Max Blumenthal to produce a hit piece about me in retaliation because I went against Joe Kent. Max Blumenthal is the son of Sidney Blumenthal, who was a famous hatchet man of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Tucker Carlson interviewed Kevin Spacey on Christmas. Kevin Spacey is also a very close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

So time out. Let’s just time out here for a second. Let’s just wait a minute, okay? I’m a 25 year old live streamer. I’ve been doing this live stream since I was in high school, since I was 17 years old, when I was a senior in high school. I’ve been doing the show every night practically since then for the past eight years. I’m suspicious. But all of these people are not. Yeah, that checks out. That makes a lot of sense. Yes.

It is more suspicious to have only been put on a federal no fly list. Only have your funds frozen after investigation by Chainalysis, which is connected to the CIA. Only to have been subpoenaed by Congress. Only to have been banned from every credit card processor instead of being arrested. That’s far more suspicious than your dad runs a CIA propaganda outlet and you volunteer for the CIA and then you support the Iraq war and call for regime change for 20 years and then you exclusively interview other CIA backed candidates or CIA agents like Vance, Joe Kent collaborate with Clinton allies like Kevin Spacey, an accused gay pedophile, and Max Blumenthal. Yeah, but I’m the sus one. Okay.

And I would say to Tucker Carlson, because, you know, he was the one who brought the allegation against me, let’s do a show then. And you don’t even have to do it on your network. I don’t, you think I need the platform? I don’t need the platform. I would invite him onto my show or whatever. You can interview me for a written thing. I don’t care. Ideally his show because it’s very interesting. And people might say, oh, that’s a clout chase. Well, one, he called me out, not the other way around. I don’t watch that show because I haven’t cared what Mike Cernovich has to say since 2016. Not very timely stuff for a man my age. So I don’t watch his show.

But for anybody that says, oh, why would he give you a platform? Oh, you’re just clout chasing. Let me tell you this. When Tucker Carlson accused Ray Epps of being a fed in connection with January 6th, he issued an invitation every night that he made that allegation for Ray Epps to come on his show and explain himself. Ray Epps sued Tucker Carlson for calling him a fed, which he did repeatedly. And every time Tucker called him a fed insinuated he’s a fed with January 6th, Tucker said he’s invited on the show to explain himself. It’s very interesting. Tucker didn’t say my name and he didn’t extend me the same invitation. Why not? Why not? You made the insinuation. You made the allegation. Just like with Ray Epps. Why not? You’re a journalist, right

When you go to Canada and Argentina and Spain and you meddle in other countries’ elections, you’re doing that as a journalist, right? Ostensibly, that’s still the cover. If you’re still a journalist, why don’t you ask me? I’ve been trending for nine days on Twitter. 40,000 mentions today. We had the top replies to Trump. We had four trending topics during his Twitter space. Groyper War II is covered in Newsweek, MSNBC. It’s going to be covered in the Washington Post. So it’s not that it’s not newsworthy. So why don’t I get the same courtesy? Kevin Spacey was given an invitation. He was accused of raping kids. He gets a chance to rehabilitate himself on the Christmas special. A lot of people forgot about that. I didn’t because I don’t forget.

A lot of people forgot that Tucker interviewed an accused gay rapist and they laughed and laughed and they had a great time on the Christmas special. Not a lot of tough questions like how all his accusers died mysteriously. So he gets a chance to explain himself and rehabilitate himself. But I am the one who will not be named. Tate, yes. Alex Jones, yes. Candice Owens, sure. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Kevin Spacey. Interview them all. Ray Epps, come on the show. I’m really courageous and tough. I’ll interview you. Tucker’s a very intelligent guy. Go ahead, press me. Press me. Do your worst. Bring it on. It’s such a slam dunk case. You’re an intelligent guy. You’ve been a journalist for 25 years. What’s there to lose?

I’m so absolutely sick of the lies that are coming from these… and they are the ones that are the feds. And there’s actually real… with me, it’s like, well, why didn’t you get arrested? Here’s a very simple explanation. I didn’t trespass. People say, why don’t you answer? I’ve answered it 100 times. I answered it under deposition, under a penalty of perjury before Congress. You can look it up. It’s a public record. And I’ve addressed it numerous times. You can look at the video where I was on the Capitol complex. I wasn’t even near the Capitol building. They say, why weren’t you charged? What would I have been charged with? Incitement? One, doesn’t meet the legal standard. Two, no one else was charged with incitement.

They say, Brandon Straka. Brandon Straka was charged with presence on prohibited Capitol grounds. I wasn’t in this threshold of the doorway like he was. And I’ve explained it 100 times. On the other hand, you’ve got people… it’s like, I applied for the CIA, my dad ran the CIA and all my friends are in the CIA. Yeah, that’s not suspicious.

But you know what it comes down to? Let me put it very simply. It comes down to this. If I was a good little guy, and I went on this show every night, and I said, hey, everybody, vote Republican, the Democrats suck, they would have no problem with me. They would have no problem with me.

If I came on the show every night, and I said, hey, everybody, are we all conservatives? Are we all going to vote in this election for Republicans against socialism? Oh, they’d love me, because I’d be their Gen Z outreach. They could get rid of their budget, and they could pour it all into me. I’d be their best, because I’m funny, and I’m charismatic, and I’m cool. I’d be their Gen Z outreach.

But the thing that they hate about me is one, I criticize the right-wing establishment, not just the left, but the right-wing establishment also. Two, I’m an activist. I’m not just a guy that says, hey, everybody, buy my product. Good evening, you’re watching the Republican show. Buy my Republican branded water. Buy my Republican brand coffee. Buy my Republican brand gold.

I have no sponsors. It’s all viewer funded. If the show is good, I have an audience. If the audience likes the show, they give me money. Content is king. I don’t do sponsorships. I never have. I don’t have sponsors. I don’t do ad reads. I don’t have adverts. They wouldn’t be interested, even if I was open to that.

What they hate about me is that I have immense popularity. I have a cult-like following of genuine fans that actually listen to what I say. They’re not just Republican slop enjoyers, you know. And they can change a channel between Crowder and Bongino and get, Biden’s demented. Biden pooped his pants. Biden sucks. Biden’s a communist.

People actually follow me. They believe in me. And I don’t just use that to sell merch. I also use it to make impact. And I say, yeah, like, we’re going to go to swing states and we’re going to use our leverage. I’m an organizer. I’m an activist. And they hate that. They absolutely hate that.

They want influencers that they can oh, look, it’s a teeny bopper, 19 year old influencer on TikTok. Here’s $1,000. Can you say that Kamala is a socialist? Yes, sir. Because all I want is to buy a Tesla and a white and gray condominium in Miami. Yeah, not me. I can’t be bought. I can’t be bought.

I don’t have advertisers. And I actually care deeply about the country. And I have followers. And I have this immense organizing power. And they’re terrified at the prospect that one of is going to rise up and use that power. That’s what they’re afraid of. They fear that. And that’s what you’ve seen in the past week. It’s fear.

I was at Charlottesville. Need I remind anybody? I know everybody all of a sudden got hip. I know Tucker Carlson just figured out last week that white people are being replaced in America by non-white immigrants. But I’ve been saying it since I turned 18 years old when I was at Charlottesville. And took all the shit and nobody supported me.

Now all these years later, they realize white anxiety is kind of a big liability for them. And now they are gradually starting to recognize that’s a problem. I know everyone found out about it last week. Oh, but I’m the fed. You know, Tucker Carlson, his dad was a spy. He’s been in politics for 20 years. He’s advocated for regime change in Iraq and Iran.

And the first time that I’ve ever heard this, he recently started to say, maybe there’s a little problem with APAC. Oh, you live in Washington. You’ve lived in Washington. Your dad knew the guy that overthrew Mosaddegh. You don’t know about Mossad. Give me a break. Oh, but we only heard about it this year.

Now, suddenly, when the world is on fire and everyone’s blaming the Jews, we need to turn the temperature down. Now you’re going to say, oh, maybe there’s an issue with the Schofield Bible and APAC. Oh, really? Well, it’s a little too late for that.

So I just, you know, it’s so not right, because this is such a great country. It could be so great. When you think about the potential of this country and who is fucking it up, and how easy it would be to fix things. It could be solved overnight. It could be solved overnight.

And when anybody tries to stand up and say, you know what, it’s not happening fast enough, this country’s going to shit. No one’s doing anything about it. They promised us every time it’s going to change. We all know it never does. Things have gotten worse, not better.

And if you try and get into politics and say, you know what, Joe Kent attacked us. He said we’re too white and too Christian. Yeah, we’re not going to vote and we make them lose. Now they’re on this war path against me because you’re not supposed to do that.

Joe Kent was supposed to be your anointed MAGA Republican. JD Vance was supposed to be the compromise between a base which is riled up and the GOP which has sold us out. You’re not supposed to get up and say, no, we don’t want that. And we’ll let it burn. It’s going to hell anyway. What’s it going to hurt anybody if it burns a little hotter?

Oh, you think the country’s going to get worse? It’s already getting worse. At least we can apply some discipline and tell the GOP we’re not going to put up with it anymore. You want to get votes, try again next time.

And by the way, it’s like I said last night, that is why you are about to see, I am going to be patsied. Mark my words, screenshot this, clip it. They are going to patsy me. They are going to try to make me take the fall for something. They are going to try and nuke me from orbit.

You know, they have tried, they have been fighting me for a long time. As you know, I have not had an easy go of things. I’ve been banned from social media for years, bank accounts, airlines, credit card processors, you name it. I’ve been subpoenaed, money frozen, all of it. You know, I’ve had a rough go.

But now that I have this huge following, I’m bigger than ever. I’m getting a lot of attention and I’m using my notoriety. They don’t like it. They don’t like it one bit. And that’s why they are bringing out the big guns. That’s why they are activated lately.

And the better this goes, the more progress we make, the more pressure they are going to put on me. They want to turn this off. Because if I’m out of the picture, then hey, everything is smooth sailing. No one is criticizing Trump. It’s, you know, it’s all these people just saying all the polls are fake and everything is fine. David Sachs and Yarvin and Thiel are going to run the administration.

And so anyway, so be on the lookout for that. I’m already seeing it. It’s unbelievable. And I legitimately, I’d love to do it. You know, and look, I’m fired up right now. If Tucker invited me to do an interview, it’d be civil. It would be cordial. I wouldn’t be overtly hostile or rude or anything. I’m not known to be that way, obviously.

I would love nothing more than a chance to explain. Please give me a platform to clear—if you have any shred of journalistic integrity, if you are who say you are, then what do you have to fear? You made the accusation. You made the insinuation. It was a chicken shit move. Didn’t even say my name. I would love nothing more.

Sunlight’s the best disinfectant. Give me a chance to set the record straight on a huge platform. I would love nothing more. Everybody says, you don’t explain yourself. Give me a platform. Tell me when.

Have you ever noticed that all these people doing these drive-by shots? Oh, but you can’t come on Tim Pool because we’d get swatted. Oh, but you can’t come on Tucker ’cause whatever. Oh, you can’t come on Patrick Bet-David, you can’t come on… I’m totally blackballed from everything. They want to argue with me while I’m not there, make insinuations while I’m not there.

Very frustrating, but that’s the game. I have to be the villain. They’re gonna hate me, they’re going to hunt me for it because I can take it. I’m the hero America needs. I’m the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they’ll hunt me because I can take it. Because I’m not a hero. I’m a guardian… that’s so cringe. No, but that’s so cringe. But it’s true.

But it’s true. So they’ll hunt me because I can take it. I’ll be the villain. I will be the villain. I will be the Dark Knight, the Dark MAGA. Donald Trump, you watch the day. I’ll watch the night. Solar, Donald Trump is solar. Solarian. Blue eyes, blonde hair… green eyes, brown hair. You watch the day. I’ll watch the night. I will be the Dark MAGA, the Dark Groyper.

And I will say, you’re welcome. The country will never give me the credit I deserve. They’ll never thank me. The country that I so love. But I will say, you’re welcome. You’re welcome. A thankless job, but I don’t do it for the glory or the credit. I do it because it’s the right thing to do.