Ineffective Rhetoric

We’re all supposed to be VERY OUTRAGED that the evil Russians would sentence a nice American ballerina who never did nothing to 12 YEARS IN PRISON for one tiny little act of treason.

The Russian-American ballerina accused of committing treason by donating $51.80 to Ukraine’s military has been sentenced to 12 years in prison. Ksenia Karelina was found guilty of ‘high treason’ by a Russian court on Thursday and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Karelina, who reportedly obtained US citizenship after marrying an American and moving to Los Angeles, was arrested in Yekaterinburg in February. She had returned to Russia to visit her family. It is understood that when she arrived at Koltsovo airport in late January her cell phone was checked using the search word ‘Ukraine’. Law enforcement allegedly found evidence of a bank transfer to a pro-Ukrainian foundation in America.

She was later detained and charged with treason. Karelina pleaded guilty in her closed trial last week, news reports said.

Your first clue something is amiss in the coverage: she’s an “American” named Ksenia. In truth, she’s a Russian national who donated money to the military of a country that is not only at war with Russia, but just literally invaded Russia. That’s about a clear-cut case of treason as you can get, even if the amount of money is small.

Meanwhile, the UK is arresting thousands of His Majesty’s subjects and rapidly sentencing them to prison for the “crime” of protesting the foreign invasion of their country. So while Russia punishes traitors, the UK punishes those who are not traitors.

I doubt they’re going to successfully stoke any anti-Russian outrage in the USA or the UK with this little sally, if the comments at the UK newspaper site are any guide. The best rhetoric points to the truth, it is not shamelessly hypocritical.

  • 3000 people have been sent to prison in the UK for what they have wrote on social media. 200 in Russia.
  • Its already here, prison for reposting tweets, memes, FB comments etc that are critical of Starmers Junta.
  • The UK has the same type of justice. Say anything the authorities don’t like and off to jail with you.