Defending Freedom in Deutschland

The appeal of the “rights” and “freedoms” being “defended” by the “Democracies” is rapidly vanishing on an almost weekly basis:

The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) may soon be allowed to secretly enter and search homes, according to a draft reform proposal seen by Der Spiegel and RND. According to the document, police would also have the power to install spyware on suspects’ computers or smartphones, in addition to conducting covert searches of their homes. These powers would supposedly only be used in exceptional circumstances.

The Interior Ministry has defended the initiative, claiming that the BKA plays a central role in countering international terrorism threats. A spokesperson refused to discuss details of the proposal, which is still at a very early stage, but told Der Spiegel on Wednesday that security agencies must have the necessary powers to effectively counter evolving threats.

Critics have voiced concerns that such far-reaching interventions could undermine the rule of law, as the inviolability of the home is enshrined in Article 13 of the German constitution.

You know, I’m really beginning to suspect that this whole Patriot Act thing may not have actually had as much to do with defending Americans and their rights as we were told it did. Clown World is transforming into a twisted parody of itself.

Vee are here to defend your freedomz by spying on you!