Racists Running SFWA

This news about former SFWA President Cat Rambo’s rant is absolutely hysterical, especially in light of the fact that Rambo was one of the most active members of SFWA pushing the Board to vote for my expulsion over a considerably less-controversial offense:

According to an attendee of the convention who sent an exclusive report to Fandom Pulse, Cat Rambo started ranting about Jews outside of one of the writing panels at the gaming convention. 

“Cat Rambo went off on an antisemitic tirade in the Writers Symposium lounge in front of multiple witnesses,” the whistleblower said. “It took all of two minutes to go from discussing how ‘the sci-fi community needs to do more for Palestinians’ to an utterly unhinged rant about there being ‘too many New York Jews in publishing’… complete with a patronizing addendum to name-drop a few famous editors as ‘some of the good ones, if misguided.’”

If this report is accurate, having an organization that is obsessed with race and has often labeled opponents as racist, SFWA now has a massive problem on its hands. Speaking this way about an entire race of people but saying there are merely “some” good ones is shocking, to say the least.

SFWA removed Hugo Award-nominated editor Vox Day for merely replying to attacks on his person from N.K. Jemisin in which he declared the author to be a “half-savage,” but this seems far more egregious of racism than anything that can be construed out of a personal feud between authors.

The question looms—will SFWA take action against blatant racism and anti-semitism allegedly spoken at Gencon?

Looks like Cat might be the first member to get expelled from SFWA. While the SFWA Board unanimously voted for my expulsion, the membership never held any vote on the matter as was required by the bylaws at the time. I’m still a Life Member, the organizations false claims to the contrary notwithstanding.

Then again, they never expelled the convicted pedophiles in their midst, so perhaps Rambo is safe.