A Carthaginian Counterattack

Simplicius posits that the devastation of the West is the revenge of the Carthaginian remnant on the heirs of Rome:

Why do current Western leaders seem to be intent on destroying their own countries? One strong possibility is that the fanatical messianic leaders of Israel view all of the West as the descendants of Rome. Recall that Rome was the last great enemy of the Jews, having destroyed their Second Temple and exiled them, not to mention creating the off-shoot Christian religion.

If you study the history of Rome’s collapse, you’ll note it can be argued that it never truly collapsed but rather lives on in today’s Western society. Roman elite and royal families merely transitioned to a large extent into the new Vatican church which began to rule the world for the next millennium. Most of Europe held allegiance to the Church, and was in some offshoot or another just an extension of the Roman Empire and civilization—for instance, the Holy Roman Empire which existed through most of the Middle Ages.

Israeli cult leaders secretly view the Western world—that is, Europe and the U.S.—as basically New Rome, and thus believe they are exacting their ‘revenge’ on the old Romans for what they did to the Jews. It’s perfectly understandable to an extent, wouldn’t you hold the same view, and want some form of retribution?

Thus, this ‘cult’ has no qualms about installing leaders to subvert and destroy all of Rome, err…Europe—just look at Macron, ex-banker at Rothschild Group:

It has, however, always puzzled me why Rothschild would be fine with his native England being destroyed. After all, I have seen an interview with Jacob himself where he said despite his love for Israel, and his family’s role in its creation, his ultimate love and allegiance remained to the UK—and I don’t think he’s lying, after all, he doesn’t choose to live in Israel, does he?

The answer is that I don’t believe all the elements of this global hydra are one monolithic mechanism. They work in conjunction on overlapping interests, and watch out for one another when they can, but do not necessarily subscribe to all of each other’s pursuits. There are many ‘emergent’ properties to the whole mechanism, though it’s not all one or the other. Jacob himself likely truly believed bringing migrants to his ‘beloved’ UK would somehow benefit it, because other more cleverly devious men convinced him of that. But the true apex of the pyramid—the fanatical cultists who may, as David Icke claims, be Sabbatean Frankists—are probably steering this play with a much more direct intent, as described earlier. One thing is certain, while the moneyed powers get all the shine for being global ‘rulers’, the true ‘hand’ behind them must necessarily be the fanatical religious faction. Whether it’s the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Sabbateans—whatever you choose to believe—it can only logically be a spiritual fanaticism capable of such rigorous devotion to total dominion of the earth.

That’s part of the deeper historical truth, to be sure. Clown World bears remarkable similarity to Carthage and other past irruptions of evil. But the rest of it boils down to Satanists seeking to destroy Christendom. And those at the top aren’t merely fanatic, they’re not even human. It is, in the end the same spiritual war that is waged for every human soul.