He Never Had a Shot

Given the mainstream media’s determination to maintain its wall of silence even as Neil Gaiman cancels his planned public events, it seems appropriate to ensure that Mr. Tubcuddle is not allowed to simply avoid being forced to answer for his alleged actions.

One of Neil Gaiman’s public speaking appearances has been cancelled, according to the following information provided by a writer for Tortoise Media, which first reported about the sexual assault allegations he’s now facing, with a police report to back them up. So it looks like the reports have indeed had some negative effect on Gaiman’s career and reputation, though as some may have noticed, any coverage by the comics specialty press has been very muted, and last time I looked, comic-centric sources like Bleeding Cool, Newsarama, Comics Beat, and even Popverse haven’t said anything at all. Only Bleeding Fool, CBR, and Comic Book Movie seem to have reported anything. Most peculiar that the “believe all women” liberal establishment in comicdom has apparently chosen to ignore this potentially serious issue.

On Sigma Game, there are a pair of posts on the subject of Neil Gaiman that I believe help put the situation in context, one an analysis of his “close friendship” with Tori Amos and the other in response to an upset “leave Neil alone!” defender. And one thing you won’t want to miss on Thursday is Arkhaven Nights. You definitely will not want to miss that!