China Takes a Victory Lap

The Chinese were mostly unaffected by the massive Cloudstrike outage that hit corporations all across the USA and Europe:

Although Microsoft Windows’ “blue screen of death” hit millions of users worldwide, including banks, airlines, hospitals and hotels, China was largely unaffected as the country’s technology independence and self-sufficiency efforts have provided a protective shield.

Chinese industrial players and experts said on Sunday that the Windows outage caused by a third-party cloud software faulty update left millions computers inoperable triggering chaos across many economic sectors, and the incident has prompted global cybersecurity concerns, highlighting the importance of tech independence.

Analysts also noted that given a mistake by one company can paralyze half the planet, countries cannot count on others for their national and economic security. They urged other countries to do their own research and development or diversify their suppliers to reduce dependence on US tech firms.

The nations rise again. The logic of survival dictates that they must. Interdependence is effective surrender.